Monday, June 24, 2013

John and Emlyn's wedding quilt

I've been sewing away on the double wedding ring quilt, this is really going to take for ever!  But still happy to be making it!!  (When did I start this??)  I had a surprise when I walked around the table to cut off the chain.

I've never had that happen before!  Usually it is just a mixed up pile.  As far as progress goes I still haven't gotten half way through the arches, but hope to pass the 100 point today.  I did jump ahead a little yesterday and started sewing the small arch side on to the melon/oval shape and was happy it went together just fine.  What a relief! Well, time to get to it, 243 days to go. 

Taking Flight for Jocelyn Roesler These are not the real blocks, just a rough idea so I could plan the setting. The real blocks are from a B...